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Working together make a smoke-free homes and smoke-free zones for all children
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- Gary A. Smith, Mark Splaingard, John R. Hayes, and Huiyun XiangComparison of a Personalized Parent Voice Smoke Alarm With a Conventional Residential Tone Smoke Alarm for Awakening ChildrenPediatrics, Oct 2006; 118: 1623 - 1632. ......Personalized Parent Voice Smoke Alarm With a Conventional...Alarm for Awakening Children Gary A. Smith...Center, Columbus Childrens Hospital, Department...residential tone smoke alarms fail to awaken the majority of children during slow wave......
Abstract/Full Text/PDF - Screening for Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure Among Inner-City Children With Asthma
Jill S. Halterman, Belinda Borrelli, Paul Tremblay, Kelly M. Conn, Maria Fagnano, Guillermo Montes, and Telva HernandezScreening for Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure Among Inner-City Children With AsthmaPediatrics, Dec 2008; 122: 1277 - 1283. ......Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure Among Inner-City Children With Asthma...protect their children from environmental tobacco-smoke exposure in the...environmental tobacco smoke and could predict which children would have elevated......
Abstract/Full Text/PDF - Prenatal and Postnatal Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Children's Health
Joseph R. DiFranza, C. Andrew Aligne, and Michael WeitzmanPrenatal and Postnatal Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Children’s HealthPediatrics, Apr 2004; 113: 1007 - 1015. ......Intellectual impairment in children of women who smoke cigarettes during pregnancy...intellectual impairment in children of women who smoke cigarettes during pregnancy...wheezing in infants and children: viruses, passive smoke, and IgE antibodies to inhalant......
Abstract/Full Text/PDF - Asthma Management and Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure Reduction in Latino Children: A Controlled Trial
Melbourne F. Hovell, Susan B. Meltzer, Dennis R. Wahlgren, Georg E. Matt, C. Richard Hofstetter, Jennifer A. Jones, Eli O. Meltzer, J. Thomas Bernert, and James L. PirkleAsthma Management and Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure Reduction in Latino Children: A Controlled TrialPediatrics, Nov 2002; 110: 946 - 956. ......Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure Reduction in Latino Children: A Controlled Trial...trial to reduce passive smoke exposure in low-income households with young children. Pediatrics. 2001...environmental tobacco smoke reduction intervention......
Abstract/Full Text/PDF - Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Serum Vitamin C Levels in Children
Richard S. StraussEnvironmental Tobacco Smoke and Serum Vitamin C Levels in ChildrenPediatrics, Mar 2001; 107: 540 - 542. ......Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Serum Vitamin C Levels in Children Richard S. Strauss...Environmental tobacco smoke: a hazard to children...dangers of ETS to children. Department of...Article 0 Tobacco Smoke Pollution 486......
Abstract/Full Text/PDF - The Burden of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure on the Respiratory Health of Children 2 Months Through 5 Years of Age in the United States: Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988 to 1994
ELECTRONIC ARTICLE:Peter J. Gergen, Jean A. Fowler, Kurt R. Maurer, William W. Davis, and Mary D. OverpeckThe Burden of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure on the Respiratory Health of Children 2 Months Through 5 Years of Age in the United States: Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988 to 1994Pediatrics, Feb 1998; 101: e8. ......functions were decreased in the children exposed to smoke. In a recent report on 22...Passive exposure to tobacco smoke in children aged 5-7 years: individual...acute wheezing in infants and children: viruses, passive smoke, and IgE antibodies to inhalant......
Abstract/Full Text/PDF - How Should Parents Protect Their Children From Environmental Tobacco-Smoke Exposure in the Home?
ELECTRONIC ARTICLE:AnnaKarin Johansson, Gören Hermansson, and Johnny LudvigssonHow Should Parents Protect Their Children From Environmental Tobacco-Smoke Exposure in the Home?Pediatrics, Apr 2004; 113: e291 - e295. ......Parents Protect Their Children From Environmental Tobacco-Smoke Exposure in the...Environmental tobacco smoke exposure among urban children. Pediatrics...parents protect their children from environmental tobacco-smoke exposure in the......
Abstract/Full Text/PDF - US Adult Attitudes and Practices Regarding Smoking Restrictions and Child Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke: Changes in the Social Climate From 2000-2001
ELECTRONIC ARTICLE:Robert C. McMillen, Jonathan P. Winickoff, Jonathan D. Klein, and Michael WeitzmanUS Adult Attitudes and Practices Regarding Smoking Restrictions and Child Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke: Changes in the Social Climate From 2000–2001Pediatrics, Jul 2003; 112: e55 - e60. ......Research and Strong Childrens Research Center...environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure...Environmental tobacco smoke: a hazard to children. Pediatrics...tobacco exposure on childrens behavioral and...Environmental Tobacco Smoke: The Report of......
Abstract/Full Text/PDF - Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure Among Urban Children
ELECTRONIC ARTICLE:John A. Hopper and Kelly A. CraigEnvironmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure Among Urban ChildrenPediatrics, Oct 2000; 106: e47. ......imperative for the health of children and adolescents...Health Environmental tobacco smoke: a hazard to children. WB Wadlington...pediatricians in reducing children's exposure to tobacco smoke. Departments of Internal......
Abstract/Full Text/PDF - Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure: Prevalence and Mechanisms of Causation of Infections in Children
REVIEW ARTICLES:Philip Kum-Nji, Linda Meloy, and Henry G. HerrodEnvironmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure: Prevalence and Mechanisms of Causation of Infections in ChildrenPediatrics, May 2006; 117: 1745 - 1754. ......Environmental tobacco smoke exposure among urban children. Pediatrics. 2000...environmental tobacco smoke exposure and childrens health. Pediatrics...Environmental tobacco smoke exposure: prevalence...causation of infections in children. - Karen M. Emmons, S. Katharine Hammond, Joseph L. Fava, Wayne F. Velicer, Janet L. Evans, and Alicia D. MonroeA Randomized Trial to Reduce Passive Smoke Exposure in Low-Income Households With Young ChildrenPediatrics, Jul 2001; 108: 18 - 24. ......smoking-a hazard to children. Gergen...environmental tobacco smoke exposure on the respiratory health of children 2 months through...Ferrence Reducing childrens exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in homes: issues......
Abstract /Full Text /PDF - Risk Factors for Acute Wheezing in Infants and Children: Viruses, Passive Smoke, and IgE Antibodies to Inhalant Allergens
Angela L. Duff, Elaine S. Pomeranz, Lawrence E. Gelber, G. Weyman Price, Holly Farris, Frederick G. Hayden, Thomas A.E. Platts-Mills, and Peter W. HeymannRisk Factors for Acute Wheezing in Infants and Children: Viruses, Passive Smoke, and IgE Antibodies to Inhalant AllergensPediatrics, Oct 1993; 92: 535 - 540. ......Wheezing in Infants and Children: Viruses, Passive Smoke, and IgE Antibodies to...Risk Factors Tobacco Smoke Pollution adverse effects...Wheezing in Infants and Children: Viruses, Passive PEDIATRICS...No. 4 October 1993 535 Smoke, and IgE Antibodies to......
Abstract /PDF - Association of Melanin Pigmentation in the Gingiva of Children With Parents Who Smoke
ELECTRONIC ARTICLE:Takashi Hanioka, Keiko Tanaka, Miki Ojima, and Kazuo YuukiAssociation of Melanin Pigmentation in the Gingiva of Children With Parents Who SmokePediatrics, Aug 2005; 116: e186 - e190. ......environmental tobacco smoke exposure reduction in Latino children: a controlled trial...environmental tobacco smoke exposure and childrens health. Pediatrics...in the gingiva of children with parents who smoke. OBJECTIVE: The......
Abstract /Full Text /PDF - Environmental Tobacco Smoke: A Hazard to Children
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS:Committee on Environmental HealthEnvironmental Tobacco Smoke: A Hazard to ChildrenPediatrics, Apr 1997; 99: 639 - 642. ......Environmental Tobacco Smoke: A Hazard to Children Committee on Environmental...Environmental tobacco smoke: a hazard to children. American Academy of...environmental tobacco smoke on children and offers pediatricians...strategy for promoting a smoke-free environment......
Abstract /Full Text /PDF - Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During Pregnancy
David L. Olds, Charles R. Henderson, Jr., and Robert TatelbaumIntellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During PregnancyPediatrics, Feb 1994; 93: 221 - 227. ......Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During Pregnancy...pregnant women not to smoke cigarettes. Pediatrics...pregnancy, intelligence, children. ABBREVIATIONS. PPVT...intellectual im-pairment in children of women who smoke cigarettes during preg-nancy......
PDF - Screening for Children's Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke in a Pediatric Primary Care Setting
ASTHMA: DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT:Brian A. SmartScreening for Children’s Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke in a Pediatric Primary Care SettingPediatrics, Aug 2006; 118: S40. ......Immunology Screening for Childrens Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke in a Pediatric Primary...Using this model, children of mothers who smoke and are also exposed...ETS. In contrast, children of mothers who do not smoke and are not exposed......
PDF - Enabling Parents Who Smoke to Prevent Their Children From Initiating Smoking: Results From a 3-Year Intervention Evaluation
TOBACCO AND AIR POLLUTION:Brian A. SmartEnabling Parents Who Smoke to Prevent Their Children From Initiating Smoking: Results From a 3-Year Intervention EvaluationPediatrics, Nov 2007; 120: S113. ......Enabling Parents Who Smoke to Prevent Their Children From Initiating Smoking...initiation of smoking among children whose parents smoke. STUDY POPULATION. Parents...more than simply telling children that they should not smoke. REVIEWER COMMENTS......
PDF - Home Exposures to Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Allergic Symptoms Among Young Children in Singapore
TOBACCO AND AIR POLLUTION:Jennifer M. MaloneyHome Exposures to Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Allergic Symptoms Among Young Children in SingaporePediatrics, Nov 2008; 122: S182. ......Exposures to Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Allergic Symptoms Among Young Children in Singapore Jennifer M. Maloney...association of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure among preschool-aged children with allergic symptoms in homes......
PDF - Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During Pregnancy
ERRATA:David L. Olds, Charles R. Henderson, Jr., and Robert TatelbaumIntellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During PregnancyPediatrics, Jun 1994; 93: 973. ......Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During Pregnancy...Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During Pregnancy...Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Ciga-rettes During Pregnancy...... - David L. Olds, Charles R. Henderson, Jr., and Robert TatelbaumPrevention of Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During PregnancyPediatrics, Jun 1994; 93: 973. ......Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During Pregnancy...Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During Pregnancy...Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Ciga-rettes During Pregnancy......
PDF - Effects of In Utero and Childhood Tobacco Smoke Exposure and {beta}2-Adrenergic Receptor Genotype on Childhood Asthma and Wheezing
Chengwei Wang, Muhammad T. Salam, Talat Islam, Madé Wenten, W. James Gauderman, and Frank D. GillilandEffects of In Utero and Childhood Tobacco Smoke Exposure and β2-Adrenergic Receptor Genotype on Childhood Asthma and WheezingPediatrics, Jul 2008; 122: e107 - e114. ......Childhood Tobacco Smoke Exposure and b2-Adrenergic...wheeze outcomes in children. Environmental...secondhand tobacco smoke were associated with wheezing. Children who were homozygous...needed to reduce smoke exposures to children in general and......
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PDF - Clinical Effort Against Secondhand Smoke Exposure: Development of Framework and Intervention
Jonathan P. Winickoff, Elyse R. Park, Bethany J. Hipple, Anna Berkowitz, Cecilia Vieira, Joan Friebely, Erica A. Healey, and Nancy A. RigottiClinical Effort Against Secondhand Smoke Exposure: Development of Framework and InterventionPediatrics, Aug 2008; 122: e363 - e375. ......reduce passive smoke exposure in low-income...households with young children. Pediatrics...environmental tobacco smoke exposure reduction in Latino children: a controlled...protect their children from environmental tobacco-smoke exposure in the......
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PDF - Snore-Associated Sleep Fragmentation in Infancy: Mental Development Effects and Contribution of Secondhand Cigarette Smoke Exposure
Hawley E. Montgomery-Downs and David GozalSnore-Associated Sleep Fragmentation in Infancy: Mental Development Effects and Contribution of Secondhand Cigarette Smoke ExposurePediatrics, Mar 2006; 117: e496 - e502. ......Secondhand Cigarette Smoke Exposure Hawley...Pediatrics, Kosair Childrens Hospital Research...apnea syndrome in children: effects of early...breathing disorders in children are underreported...secondhand cigarette smoke exposure. OBJECTIVE......
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PDF - Changing Conclusions on Secondhand Smoke in a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Review Funded by the Tobacco Industry
ELECTRONIC ARTICLE:Elisa K. Tong, Lucinda England, and Stanton A. GlantzChanging Conclusions on Secondhand Smoke in a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Review Funded by the Tobacco IndustryPediatrics, Mar 2005; 115: e356 - e366. ......from environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure: a critical...randomized trial to reduce passive smoke exposure in low-income households with young children. Pediatrics. 2001; 108...conclusions on secondhand smoke in a sudden infant death......
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SUPPLEMENT TO PEDIATRICS:Katariina Kallio, Eero Jokinen, Olli Simell, and Olli RaitakariEXPOSURE TO TOBACCO SMOKE DECREASES ELASTICITY OF THE AORTA IN CHILDRENPediatrics, Jan 2008; 121: S94 - S95. ......Greece EXPOSURE TO TOBACCO SMOKE DECREASES ELASTICITY OF THE AORTA IN CHILDREN Katariina Kallio a...studied 11-year-old healthy children (n 386) from the randomized...calculated. Exposure to tobacco smoke was measured by using serum......
PDF - Smoking Policies of Licensed Child Day-Care Centers in the United States
David E. Nelson, Jeffrey J. Sacks, and David G. AddissSmoking Policies of Licensed Child Day-Care Centers in the United StatesPediatrics, Feb 1993; 91: 460 - 463. ......more than 752000 children in the United States...envi-ronmental tobacco smoke exposure in these...and, pref-erably, smoke-free indoors and...environmental tobacco smoke. ABBREVIATIONS. ETS...health effects in children.115 The type and......
PDF - Effect of Children on Home Smoking Restriction by Inner-City Smokers
Felix A. Okah, Won S. Choi, Kolawole S. Okuyemi, and Jasjit S. AhluwaliaEffect of Children on Home Smoking Restriction by Inner-City SmokersPediatrics, Feb 2002; 109: 244 - 249. ......environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure for children. Surveys show that...environmental tobacco smoke exposure on the respiratory health of children 2 months through 5...Intellectual impairment in children of women who smoke cigarettes during......
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PDF - A Successful City-Wide Smoke Detector Giveaway Program
Richard L. Gorman, Evan Charney, Neil A. Holtzman, and Kenneth B. RobertsA Successful City-Wide Smoke Detector Giveaway ProgramPediatrics, Jan 1985; 75: 14 - 18. ......1985;75: 14-18; smoke detectors, health...The care of children who have thermal...mortality for children. Im-provement...systems such as smoke detectors in...the spring 18 SMOKE DETECTOR GIVEAWAY...acquire for their children's safety......
PDF - Prevention of Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During Pregnancy
David L. Olds, Charles R. Henderson, Jr., and Robert TatelbaumPrevention of Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During PregnancyPediatrics, Feb 1994; 93: 228 - 233. ......Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During Pregnancy...Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke 228 PEDIATRICS Vol...behavior problems of children. Pediatrics. 1992;90...childen born to women who smoke cigarettes during pregnancy...... - David L. Olds, Charles R. Henderson, Jr., and Robert TatelbaumPrevention of Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During PregnancyPediatrics, Jun 1994; 93: 973. ......Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During Pregnancy...Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During Pregnancy...Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Ciga-rettes During Pregnancy......
PDF - Effects of In Utero and Childhood Tobacco Smoke Exposure and {beta}2-Adrenergic Receptor Genotype on Childhood Asthma and Wheezing
Chengwei Wang, Muhammad T. Salam, Talat Islam, Madé Wenten, W. James Gauderman, and Frank D. GillilandEffects of In Utero and Childhood Tobacco Smoke Exposure and β2-Adrenergic Receptor Genotype on Childhood Asthma and WheezingPediatrics, Jul 2008; 122: e107 - e114. ......Childhood Tobacco Smoke Exposure and b2-Adrenergic...wheeze outcomes in children. Environmental...secondhand tobacco smoke were associated with wheezing. Children who were homozygous...needed to reduce smoke exposures to children in general and......
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PDF - Clinical Effort Against Secondhand Smoke Exposure: Development of Framework and Intervention
Jonathan P. Winickoff, Elyse R. Park, Bethany J. Hipple, Anna Berkowitz, Cecilia Vieira, Joan Friebely, Erica A. Healey, and Nancy A. RigottiClinical Effort Against Secondhand Smoke Exposure: Development of Framework and InterventionPediatrics, Aug 2008; 122: e363 - e375. ......reduce passive smoke exposure in low-income...households with young children. Pediatrics...environmental tobacco smoke exposure reduction in Latino children: a controlled...protect their children from environmental tobacco-smoke exposure in the......
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PDF - Snore-Associated Sleep Fragmentation in Infancy: Mental Development Effects and Contribution of Secondhand Cigarette Smoke Exposure
Hawley E. Montgomery-Downs and David GozalSnore-Associated Sleep Fragmentation in Infancy: Mental Development Effects and Contribution of Secondhand Cigarette Smoke ExposurePediatrics, Mar 2006; 117: e496 - e502. ......Secondhand Cigarette Smoke Exposure Hawley...Pediatrics, Kosair Childrens Hospital Research...apnea syndrome in children: effects of early...breathing disorders in children are underreported...secondhand cigarette smoke exposure. OBJECTIVE......
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PDF - Changing Conclusions on Secondhand Smoke in a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Review Funded by the Tobacco Industry
ELECTRONIC ARTICLE:Elisa K. Tong, Lucinda England, and Stanton A. GlantzChanging Conclusions on Secondhand Smoke in a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Review Funded by the Tobacco IndustryPediatrics, Mar 2005; 115: e356 - e366. ......from environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure: a critical...randomized trial to reduce passive smoke exposure in low-income households with young children. Pediatrics. 2001; 108...conclusions on secondhand smoke in a sudden infant death......
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SUPPLEMENT TO PEDIATRICS:Katariina Kallio, Eero Jokinen, Olli Simell, and Olli RaitakariEXPOSURE TO TOBACCO SMOKE DECREASES ELASTICITY OF THE AORTA IN CHILDRENPediatrics, Jan 2008; 121: S94 - S95. ......Greece EXPOSURE TO TOBACCO SMOKE DECREASES ELASTICITY OF THE AORTA IN CHILDREN Katariina Kallio a...studied 11-year-old healthy children (n 386) from the randomized...calculated. Exposure to tobacco smoke was measured by using serum......
PDF - Smoking Policies of Licensed Child Day-Care Centers in the United States
David E. Nelson, Jeffrey J. Sacks, and David G. AddissSmoking Policies of Licensed Child Day-Care Centers in the United StatesPediatrics, Feb 1993; 91: 460 - 463. ......more than 752000 children in the United States...envi-ronmental tobacco smoke exposure in these...and, pref-erably, smoke-free indoors and...environmental tobacco smoke. ABBREVIATIONS. ETS...health effects in children.115 The type and......
PDF - Effect of Children on Home Smoking Restriction by Inner-City Smokers
Felix A. Okah, Won S. Choi, Kolawole S. Okuyemi, and Jasjit S. AhluwaliaEffect of Children on Home Smoking Restriction by Inner-City SmokersPediatrics, Feb 2002; 109: 244 - 249. ......environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure for children. Surveys show that...environmental tobacco smoke exposure on the respiratory health of children 2 months through 5...Intellectual impairment in children of women who smoke cigarettes during......
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PDF - A Successful City-Wide Smoke Detector Giveaway Program
Richard L. Gorman, Evan Charney, Neil A. Holtzman, and Kenneth B. RobertsA Successful City-Wide Smoke Detector Giveaway ProgramPediatrics, Jan 1985; 75: 14 - 18. ......1985;75: 14-18; smoke detectors, health...The care of children who have thermal...mortality for children. Im-provement...systems such as smoke detectors in...the spring 18 SMOKE DETECTOR GIVEAWAY...acquire for their children's safety......
PDF - Prevention of Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During Pregnancy
David L. Olds, Charles R. Henderson, Jr., and Robert TatelbaumPrevention of Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During PregnancyPediatrics, Feb 1994; 93: 228 - 233. ......Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke Cigarettes During Pregnancy...Intellectual Impairment in Children of Women Who Smoke 228 PEDIATRICS Vol...behavior problems of children. Pediatrics. 1992;90...childen born to women who smoke cigarettes during pregnancy...... - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR:Michael A. Wall, Herbert Severson, Judy Andrews, Ed Lichtenstein, and Leslie ZorefLetter To The EditorPediatrics, Sep 1996; 98: 513. ......moving the source of the smoke away from the infant.1...a reduction in reported smoke exposure and a reduction...lower socioeconomic level children. One may interpret the...reduce environmental tobacco smoke exposure in infants......
PDF - Stable Prevalence but Changing Risk Factors for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Child Care Settings in 2001
Rachel Y. Moon, Bruce M. Sprague, and Kantilal M. PatelStable Prevalence but Changing Risk Factors for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Child Care Settings in 2001Pediatrics, Oct 2005; 116: 972 - 977. ......exposure to environmental tobacco smoke: a prevalence study in Australia...postnatal environmental tobacco smoke exposure and childrens health. Pediatrics. 2004; 113...prenatal and postnatal tobacco smoke exposure on children. Arch Dis......
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PDF - Glutathione S-Transferase M1 and P1 Genotype, Passive Smoking, and Peak Expiratory Flow in Asthma
Colin N.A. Palmer, Alex S.F. Doney, Simon P. Lee, Inez Murrie, Tahmina Ismail, Donald F. Macgregor, and Somnath MukhopadhyayGlutathione S-Transferase M1 and P1 Genotype, Passive Smoking, and Peak Expiratory Flow in AsthmaPediatrics, Aug 2006; 118: 710 - 716. ......Mukhopadhyay, MD, PhD, FRCPH, Childrens Asthma and Allergy Unit...United Kingdom c Childrens Asthma and Allergy Research...in relation to tobacco smoke exposure in the home...exposure status in younger children (3-12 years; n 384......
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PDF - Residential Exposures Associated With Asthma in US Children
Bruce P. Lanphear, C. Andrew Aligne, Peggy Auinger, Michael Weitzman, and Robert S. ByrdResidential Exposures Associated With Asthma in US ChildrenPediatrics, Mar 2001; 107: 505 - 511. ......children: viruses, passive smoke, and IgE antibodies to inhalant...wheezing respiratory illness in children. Gergen PJ, Fowler...burden of environmental tobacco smoke exposure on the respiratory health of children 2 months through 5 years of......
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PDF - Maternal Cigarette Smoking and Child Psychiatric Morbidity: A Longitudinal Study
ELECTRONIC ARTICLE:Gail M. Williams, Michael O'Callaghan, Jake M. Najman, William Bor, AIMS¶; David Richards, and Chinlyn U, BScMaternal Cigarette Smoking and Child Psychiatric Morbidity: A Longitudinal StudyPediatrics, Jul 1998; 102: e11. ......difficulties in children. Mothers who smoke cigarettes while...that mothers who smoke report the behaviors of their children differently is...the decision to smoke early in pregnancy...behavior problems of children. Fergusson......
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PDF - The Health and Well-being of Adopted Children
SUPPLEMENT ARTICLES:Matthew D. Bramlett, Laura F. Radel, and Stephen J. BlumbergThe Health and Well-being of Adopted ChildrenPediatrics, Feb 2007; 119: S54 - S60. ......Pediatrics NSCH-National Survey of Childrens Health The American Academy...AAP) has recognized that adopted children may have particular vulnerabilities...articles from the National Survey of Childrens Health. Pediatrics. 2007; 119(suppl......
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PDF - Who is at Risk for Special Health Care Needs: Findings From the National Survey of Children's Health
Paul W. Newacheck, Sue E. Kim, Stephen J. Blumberg, and Joshua P. RisingWho is at Risk for Special Health Care Needs: Findings From the National Survey of Children's HealthPediatrics, Aug 2008; 122: 347 - 359. ......National Survey of Childrens Health was used...exposure to secondhand smoke, family closeness...the new National Childrens Study ( www.nationalchildrensstudy...exposure to secondhand smoke, family closeness...care needs among children. The concentric......
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PDF - The Pediatrician's Role in Reducing Tobacco Exposure in Children
ELECTRONIC ARTICLE:Risa Jean Stein, Christopher Keith Haddock, Kristin Koetting O'Byrne, Norman Hymowitz, and Joseph SchwabThe Pediatrician's Role in Reducing Tobacco Exposure in ChildrenPediatrics, Nov 2000; 106: e66. ......Reducing ETS Exposure Among Children Office/clinic visits provide...encourage parents to provide a smoke-free environment for their children. Although the American...physicians in promoting smoke-free environments for children and adolescents,33 a survey......
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PDF - Candy Cigarettes: Do They Encourage Children's Smoking?
Jonathan D. Klein, Billie Forehand, Janice Oliveri, Charlotte J. Patterson, Janis B. Kupersmidt, and Victor StrecherCandy Cigarettes: Do They Encourage Children's Smoking?Pediatrics, Jan 1992; 89: 27 - 31. ......Do They Encourage Children's Smoking? Jonathan...young children to smoke. Two studies of the...and 16% currently smoke.6 Additionally, as...think that they will smoke as adults.7 Complex...behav-iors.8 Although children are often aware of......
PDF - Involuntary Smoking--A Hazard to Children
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS:Committee on Environmental HazardsInvoluntary Smoking—A Hazard to ChildrenPediatrics, May 1986; 77: 755 - 757. ......Smoking-A Hazard to Children Committee on Environmental...secondhand cigarette smoke. The health hazards...exposed to cigarette smoke.9 American Academy...smoking--a hazard to children. Committee on Environmental...Article 0 Tobacco Smoke Pollution Child...... - ELECTRONIC ARTICLE:Edmond D. Shenassa and Mary-Jean BrownMaternal Smoking and Infantile Gastrointestinal Dysregulation: The Case of ColicPediatrics, Oct 2004; 114: e497 - e505. ......to environmental tobacco smoke in naturalistic settings...73 Overpeck M, Moss A. Childrens exposure to environmental cigarette smoke before and after birth: health of our nations children: US, 1988. Adv Data. 1991......
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PDF - The Environmental Consequences of Tobacco Smoking: Implications for Public Policies That Affect the Health of Children
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS:Laurence Finberg, Joseph M. Garfunkel, Stephen H. Gehlbach, John W. Graef, James W. Hanson, Robert M. Heavenrich, Irving H. Mauss, and John L. StevensonThe Environmental Consequences of Tobacco Smoking: Implications for Public Policies That Affect the Health of ChildrenPediatrics, Aug 1982; 70: 314 - 315. ......adequate. In comparison with children of nonsmokers, children of parents who smoke have more bronchitis and pneumonia...chronially exposed to tobacco smoke have reduced function of small...that affect the health of children. Journal Article Child......
PDF - Smoke Detectors: Reducing Deaths and Injuries Due to Fire
Keith S. ReisingerSmoke Detectors: Reducing Deaths and Injuries Due to FirePediatrics, Apr 1980; 65: 718 - 724. ......Article Articles Smoke Detectors: Reducing...of Medicine and the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh...inexpensive and reliable smoke detectors. These detectors...65 No. 4 April 1980 Smoke Detectors: Reducing...of Medicine and the Children `s Hospital of Pittsburgh......
PDF - A National Survey of the Acceptability of Quitlines to Help Parents Quit Smoking
Jonathan P. Winickoff, Susanne E. Tanski, Robert C. McMillen, Bethany J. Hipple, Joan Friebely, and Erica A. HealeyA National Survey of the Acceptability of Quitlines to Help Parents Quit SmokingPediatrics, Apr 2006; 117: e695 - e700. ......2 Environmental tobacco smoke: a hazard to children. American Academy of Pediatrics...Effort Against Secondhand Smoke Exposure (CEASE). Available...should parents protect their children from environmental tobacco-smoke exposure in the home? Pediatrics......
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PDF - Addressing Parental Smoking in Pediatrics and Family Practice: A National Survey of Parents
Jonathan P. Winickoff, Robert C. McMillen, Bronwen C. Carroll, Jonathan D. Klein, Nancy A. Rigotti, Susanne E. Tanski, and Michael WeitzmanAddressing Parental Smoking in Pediatrics and Family Practice: A National Survey of ParentsPediatrics, Nov 2003; 112: 1146 - 1151. ......Environmental tobacco smoke: a hazard to children. Pediatrics 1997...environmental tobacco smoke exposure reduction in Latino children: a controlled trial...to reduce passive smoke exposure in low...households with young children. Pediatrics. 2001......
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PDF - Natural History and Familial Relationships of Infant Spilling to 9 Years of Age
A. James Martin, Nicole Pratt, J. Declan Kennedy, Philip Ryan, Richard E. Ruffin, Helen Miles, and John MarleyNatural History and Familial Relationships of Infant Spilling to 9 Years of AgePediatrics, Jun 2002; 109: 1061 - 1067. ......Medicine, Womens and Childrens Hospital, Kermode...environmental tobacco smoke exposure were...disease. children gastroesophageal...environmental tobacco smoke RR, relative...esophagitis in children, 23 and it is known that tobacco smoke induces lower......
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PDF - A Smoking Cessation Intervention for Parents of Children Who Are Hospitalized for Respiratory Illness: The Stop Tobacco Outreach Program
Jonathan P. Winickoff, Valerie J. Hillis, Judith S. Palfrey, James M. Perrin, and Nancy A. RigottiA Smoking Cessation Intervention for Parents of Children Who Are Hospitalized for Respiratory Illness: The Stop Tobacco Outreach ProgramPediatrics, Jan 2003; 111: 140 - 145. ......Reduction of environmental tobacco smoke exposure in asthmatic children. A 2-year follow-up. Chest. 1997...randomized trial to reduce passive smoke exposure in low-income households with young children. Pediatrics. 2001; 108: 18-24......
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PDF - Child Health Care Clinicians' Use of Medications to Help Parents Quit Smoking: A National Parent Survey
Jonathan P. Winickoff, Susanne E. Tanski, Robert C. McMillen, Jonathan D. Klein, Nancy A. Rigotti, and Michael WeitzmanChild Health Care Clinicians' Use of Medications to Help Parents Quit Smoking: A National Parent SurveyPediatrics, Apr 2005; 115: 1013 - 1017. ......secondhand smoke environmental...Each year, 5000 children die as a result...Environmental tobacco smoke and smoking cessation...for parents of children who are hospitalized...protect their children from environmental tobacco-smoke exposure in the......
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PDF - Intervening to Reduce Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure in Infants
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR:James E. Haddow, Glenn E. Palomaki, George J. Knight, Josephine Williams, and Barbara A. ChilmonczykIntervening to Reduce Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure in InfantsPediatrics, Sep 1996; 98: 513. ......documented that mothers who smoke are the largest single...behavior in mothers and smoke exposure in infants. Even...environ-mental tobacco smoke exposure during infancy...lower socioeconomic level children. One may inter-pret the......
PDF - Feeding and Urine Cotinine Values in Babies Whose Mothers Smoke
Michel Labrecque, Sylvie Marcoux, Jean-Philippe Weber, Jacqueline Fabia, and Liliane FerronFeeding and Urine Cotinine Values in Babies Whose Mothers SmokePediatrics, Jan 1989; 83: 93 - 97. ......environmental exposure to tobacco smoke, they could also ingest...in infants whose mothers smoke and to assess whether these...invol-untary exposure to tobacco smoke. Restrictions on smoking...protect nonsmokers. However, children whose Received for publication...... - Susan N. Brim, Rose A. Rudd, Renee H. Funk, and David B. CallahanAsthma Prevalence Among US Children in Underrepresented Minority Populations: American Indian/Alaska Native, Chinese, Filipino, and Asian IndianPediatrics, Jul 2008; 122: e217 - e222. ......burden of environmental tobacco smoke exposure on the respiratory health of children 2 months through 5 years of age...related to environmental tobacco smoke exposure in children in the United States. Arch Pediatr......
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PDF - Visual, Cognitive, and Language Assessments at 39 Months: A Follow-up Study of Children Fed Formulas Containing Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids to 1 Year of Age
ELECTRONIC ARTICLE:Nancy Auestad, David T. Scott, Jeri S. Janowsky, Cynthia Jacobsen, Robin E. Carroll, Michael B. Montalto, Robin Halter, Wenzi Qiu, Joan R. Jacobs, William E. Connor, Sonja L. Connor, James A. Taylor, Martha Neuringer, Kathleen M. Fitzgerald, and Robert T. HallVisual, Cognitive, and Language Assessments at 39 Months: A Follow-up Study of Children Fed Formulas Containing Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids to 1 Year of AgePediatrics, Sep 2003; 112: e177 - e183. ......development in breastfed children, and recognition...exposure to cigarette smoke and IQ and early...exposure to cigarette smoke and IQ and early...achievement among the children in this follow-up...polyunsaturated fatty acids in children with phenylketonuria......
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PDF - Do Obese Inner-City Children With Asthma Have More Symptoms Than Nonobese Children With Asthma?
Peter F. Belamarich, Elisabeth Luder, Meyer Kattan, Herman Mitchell, Shaheen Islam, Henry Lynn, and Ellen F. CrainDo Obese Inner-City Children With Asthma Have More Symptoms Than Nonobese Children With Asthma?Pediatrics, Dec 2000; 106: 1436 - 1441. ......hundred twenty-two children aged 4 to 9 years...family income, passive smoke exposure, caretakers...nonobese (n = 1073) children did not differ in...family income, passive smoke exposure, caretaker's...allergens. Obese children were more often Latino......
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PDF - From Concept to Application: The Impact of a Community-Wide Intervention to Improve the Delivery of Preventive Services to Children
ELECTRONIC ARTICLE:Peter A. Margolis, Rachel Stevens, W. Clayton Bordley, Jayne Stuart, Christina Harlan, Lynette Keyes-Elstein, and Steve WissehFrom Concept to Application: The Impact of a Community-Wide Intervention to Improve the Delivery of Preventive Services to ChildrenPediatrics, Sep 2001; 108: e42. ......University of North Carolina Childrens Primary Care Research Group...contraceptives (69 vs 47), not smoke tobacco (27 vs 54) and...health care for families and children. Department of Pediatrics...University of North Carolina Children's Primary Care Research......
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COMMENTARY:SAMUEL M. WISHIKSHOULD OUR CHILDREN PAY FOR THE CIGARETTE COMMERCIALS?Pediatrics, Apr 1963; 31: 535 - 537. ......Commentary SHOULD OUR CHILDREN PAY FOR THE CIGARETTE...persons starting to smoke early in life. An...THINK before you smoke-CIGARETTES can cause...build in the minds of children the concept that ciga-rette...char-acter not to smoke. Any young fool can......
PDF - Examination of State Regulations Regarding Infants and Sleep in Licensed Child Care Centers and Family Child Care Settings
Rachel Y. Moon, Wendy M. Biliter, and Sarah E. CroskellExamination of State Regulations Regarding Infants and Sleep in Licensed Child Care Centers and Family Child Care SettingsPediatrics, May 2001; 107: 1029 - 1036. ......Adolescent Medicine, Childrens National Medical...Adolescent Medicine, Childrens National Medical...infant sleeping, smoke exposure, soft bedding...Division of Family and Children: Rule 1.3 Class...infant sleeping, smoke exposure, soft bedding......
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PDF - Olfactory Disorder in Children With 22q11 Deletion Syndrome
Christina Sobin, Karen Kiley-Brabeck, Kathryn Dale, Samantha H. Monk, Jananne Khuri, and Maria KarayiorgouOlfactory Disorder in Children With 22q11 Deletion SyndromePediatrics, Sep 2006; 118: e697 - e703. ......Olfactory Disorder in Children With 22q11 Deletion Syndrome...associated with fumes and smoke. CONCLUSIONS. Odor detection...Doty RL. Odor perception in children in relation to nasal obstruction...Olfactory evaluation in children: application to the CHARGE......
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PDF - Parental Smoking Increases Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Children
TOBACCO AND AIR POLLUTION:Kanao Otsu and Wanda PhipatanakulParental Smoking Increases Exhaled Nitric Oxide in ChildrenPediatrics, Nov 2007; 120: S111. ......Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Children Kanao Otsu MD...environmental tobacco smoke was associated with...increased FeNO in young children. There also was evidence...between cigarette-smoke exposure and high...ramifications are for children with high levels......
PDF - Statewide Quality Improvement Outreach Improves Preventive Services for Young Children
Judith S. Shaw, Richard C. Wasserman, Sara Barry, Thomas Delaney, Paula Duncan, Wendy Davis, and Patricia BerryStatewide Quality Improvement Outreach Improves Preventive Services for Young ChildrenPediatrics, Oct 2006; 118: e1039 - e1047. ......preventive services for children who are younger than...environmental tobacco smoke-exposure risk assessment...preventive services for children who are younger than...environmental tobacco smoke-exposure risk assessment...preventive services for children who are younger than......
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PDF - Medical Homes for At-Risk Children: Parental Reports of Clinician-Parent Relationships, Anticipatory Guidance, and Behavior Changes
Catherine S. Nelson, Susan M. Higman, Calvin Sia, Elizabeth McFarlane, Loretta Fuddy, and Anne K. DugganMedical Homes for At-Risk Children: Parental Reports of Clinician-Parent Relationships, Anticipatory Guidance, and Behavior ChangesPediatrics, Jan 2005; 115: 48 - 56. ......at-risk families when children were 1 year of age...prevention topics (smoke alarms, infant walkers...interviewed when their children were 1 year of age...homes for at-risk children: parental reports...prevention topics (smoke alarms, infant walkers...... - Jacqueline Moya, Cynthia F. Bearer, and Ruth A. EtzelChildren’s Behavior and Physiology and How It Affects Exposure to Environmental ContaminantsPediatrics, Apr 2004; 113: 996 - 1006. ......Compared to the Adult Childrens Behavior and Physiology...effect of second-hand smoke, and the greater...between adults and children, research is needed...environmental tobacco smoke. Risk Anal. 1990...Chance WG, Harmsen E. Children are different: environmental......
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PDF - Parent Use of Touchscreen Computer Kiosks for Child Health Promotion in Community Settings
Darcy A. Thompson, Paula Lozano, and Dimitri A. ChristakisParent Use of Touchscreen Computer Kiosks for Child Health Promotion in Community SettingsPediatrics, Mar 2007; 119: 427 - 434. ......sought information for children of all ages. Sixty-one...television/media use (16), smoke exposure (14), attention-deficit...assessment (11). At-risk children were identified in...media use (16%), smoke exposure (14%), attention-deficit...assessment (11%). At-risk children were identified in......
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PDF - Behavior in Klinefelter Syndrome, or Where There Is Smoke There May Not Be a Fire
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR:MARVIN E. MILLER and STEPHEN SULKESBehavior in Klinefelter Syndrome, or Where There Is Smoke There May Not Be a FirePediatrics, Dec 1990; 86: 1001 - 1002. ......or Where There Is Smoke There May Not Be a...Hecht and Hecht smell smoke but see no fire. They...have found in obese children without breast development...both male and female children and have found it...or Where There Is Smoke There May Not Be a......
PDF - Self-reported Adherence, Management Behavior, and Barriers to Care After an Emergency Department Visit by Inner City Children With Asthma
ELECTRONIC ARTICLE:Frederick E. Leickly, Shari L. Wade, Ellen Crain, Deanna Kruszon-Moran, Elizabeth C. Wright, and Richard Evans IIISelf-reported Adherence, Management Behavior, and Barriers to Care After an Emergency Department Visit by Inner City Children With AsthmaPediatrics, May 1998; 101: e8. ......avoidance of cigarette smoke. The use of preventive...adherence inner city children Asthma morbidity...pipe, and cigar smoke 37.5 Avoid...Keep away from sick children 3.5 Ask...avoidance of cigarette smoke, despite the fact...management in inner city children. With respect to......
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PDF - Surgical Management of Chronic Sinusitis in Children
THE UPPER AIRWAY:Stacey Ishman and David TunkelSurgical Management of Chronic Sinusitis in ChildrenPediatrics, Aug 2006; 118: S23 - S24. ......of Chronic Sinusitis in Children Stacey Ishman MD David...the study period (11 of children referred for evaluation...gender, asthma, allergy, smoke exposure, and day care attendance. The children who had adenoidectomy alone......
PDF - Association Between Passive Smoking and Infection With Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Children
Saskia den Boon, Suzanne Verver, Ben J. Marais, Donald A. Enarson, Carl J. Lombard, Eric D. Bateman, Elvis Irusen, Anamika Jithoo, Robert P. Gie, Martien W. Borgdorff, and Nulda BeyersAssociation Between Passive Smoking and Infection With Mycobacterium tuberculosis in ChildrenPediatrics, Apr 2007; 119: 734 - 739. ......M, Bakewell R. Tobacco smoke and the upper airway...Environmental tobacco smoke exposure: prevalence and...causation of infections in children. Pediatrics. 2006; 117...Wachenfeldt K. Cigarette smoke extract modulates respiratory......
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PDF - Pediatric Residency Training on Tobacco
ELECTRONIC ARTICLE:Norman Hymowitz, Joseph Schwab, and Haftan EckholdtPediatric Residency Training on TobaccoPediatrics, Jul 2001; 108: e8. ......advise you not to smoke around children, did childs doctor...with parents who smoke. Such parents expose their children to the harmful effects...Involuntary smoking and childrens health...Reduction of secondary smoke exposure in asthmatic......
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PDF - State-of-the-Art Interventions for Office-Based Parental Tobacco Control
SPECIAL ARTICLES:Jonathan P. Winickoff, Anna B. Berkowitz, Katie Brooks, Susanne E. Tanski, Alan Geller, Carey Thomson, Harry A. Lando, Susan Curry, Myra Muramoto, Alexander V. Prokhorov, Dana Best, Michael Weitzman, Lori Pbert for the Tobacco Consortium, Center for Child Health Research of the American Academy of PediatricsState-of-the-Art Interventions for Office-Based Parental Tobacco ControlPediatrics, Mar 2005; 115: 750 - 760. ......to primary care for children. N Engl J Med. 1998...Environmental tobacco smoke: a hazard to children. Pediatrics. 1997...trial to reduce passive smoke exposure in low-income households with young children. Pediatrics. 2001......
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PDF - Changes in Prevalence of Asthma and Allergies Among Children and Adolescents in Italy: 1994-2002
Claudia Galassi, Manuela De Sario, Annibale Biggeri, Luigi Bisanti, Elisabetta Chellini, Giovannino Ciccone, Maria Grazia Petronio, Silvano Piffer, Piersante Sestini, Franca Rusconi, Giovanni Viegi, and Francesco ForastiereChanges in Prevalence of Asthma and Allergies Among Children and Adolescents in Italy: 1994–2002Pediatrics, Jan 2006; 117: 34 - 42. ......Asthma and Allergies Among Children and Adolescents in Italy...symptoms of atopic eczema (children: change: 4.4; 95 CI: 3...of exposure to parental smoke. These factors, however...rhinitis eczema children adolescents SIDRIA-Italian......
Full Text - Asthma Phenotypes, Risk Factors, and Measures of Severity in a National Sample of US Children
ASTHMA: PATHOPHYSIOLOGY:James E. GernAsthma Phenotypes, Risk Factors, and Measures of Severity in a National Sample of US ChildrenPediatrics, Aug 2006; 118: S30 - S31. ......National Sample of US Children James E. Gern MD...measures of severity between children with different asthma...to asthma subgroups in children. Notably, resolved asthma...prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke and also to persistent......
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